We told you Duncan was feeling rather artistically congested on Sunday, not being able to talk about numerous new projects in development, but that there would be some relief to that on Monday. And true to his word Duncan did indeed blast out a lot of new info on the graphic novel project that began in July last year.
“Big announcement from Alex de Campi & me on our graphic novel!”
“PLEASE WELCOME “MADI: Once Upon a Time in the Future” into your lives… An amazing array of art talent, a story I am very proud of & a graphic novel you NEED in your lives!”

These amazing people among others, bringing it to life… Dylan Teague, Duncan Fegredo, LRNZ, André Lima Araújo, Rosemary V-O, tonci zonjic, Pia Guerra, James Stokoe, Chris Weston, RUFUS DAYGLO, Annie Wu, David Lopez, Christian Ward.
Also Glenn Fabry! Who I love above almost all others, and who was in the trenches with me on a MUTE book before the film got made. So very glad we got to work together again on this. He’s a proper legend.
Exciting stuff eh? As you may recall, this all began in April last year when Duncan decided to commission artists to illustrate one page from the script for the third and final part of his MOONIVERSE trilogy that began with MOON in 2009, and continued with MUTE in 2018. We asked everyone to nominate their favourite comic book artists and created a poll for everyone to vote on. Once the poll closed, Duncan contacted the top four artists and commissioned the illustrations (which you can now see here, and here.)
Things moved very quickly after this into the development of a full blown graphic novel which we now know as MADI: Once Upon a Time in the Future. Taking up the story of how it all came together, Duncan said…
That competition gave me confidence that it could work. What I wasn’t so confident in, was how to translate a film script into a comic format, & how to organize the damn thing! That’s where Alex de Campi came in as my Sherpa.“
The beginnings of MADI: Once Upon a Time in the Future as a graphic novel saw art work in a wide range of styles, this will continue with the graphic novel itself, commenting yesterday Alex said… “The story of MADI is particularly well-suited to splitting up among different artists; you will all have to wait and see just how well we pull it off!“
As MADI: Once Upon a Time in the Future brings the MOONIVERSE trilogy to a close, will we see further appearance from Sam Bell? (the impact of Sam’s return to Earth features in MUTE with news coverage, and a campaign to Free the 156) Leo? Who… well go watch MUTE on Netflix if you want to know where he may be. What we do know is that MOON, MUTE, and MADI share a common universe set somewhere in the near future. so the potential for characters we’ve met already to make an appearance is certainly possible. If you want to know what to expect from MADI, Duncan breaks down the trilogy quite simply as…
MOON – 60’s style sci-fi kitchen sink drama
MUTE – 70’s style sci-fi noir
MADI – 80’s style sci-fi action road movie
Keep your eyes peeled on Twitter for more updates from Duncan Jones, and Alex de Campi. MADI: Once Upon a Time in the Future will be released… later this year.
And if you want to catch up on the MOONIVERSE so far, there’s a lovely new 10th Anniversary Edition of MOON out now, and MUTE is available Worldwide on Netflix.