Hot on the heels of his announcement of a MOONIVERSE Pt3 graphic novel (MOON / MUTE / …?) Duncan Jones has made good on his promise to share artwork by Colleen Doran AND announced Alex de Campi has joined the team. Over to Duncan, and Alex, for further details of this exciting new project…
So THIS beautiful piece is by the immensely talented
@ColleenDoran and closes out phase one of my comic work-flow night-school.

I don’t know everything, but I’ve learned a lot, and first and foremost what I now know is that I will get the best results on this endeavour if I team up with an experienced old-hand. A Quint to my Brody-Hooper hybrid. The Sundance to my Butch, a Blaster to my Master… you get the idea. After an exhaustive search I’m deliriously happy to say that I’ll be working with Eisner nominated comic-savant,
We are already well on the way to turning the feature script for the third part of the MOON/MUTE/(Third film) anthology into a comic script, & have already signed an AMAZING team of artists to work on it. (More to come on that.) Its going to take a while… but will be worth it.
Also, worth noting that the pool of artists working on this quite chunky job will be fairly large, so we may still be reaching out to a few more people. 😉
Now, you may have some questions, these have been anticipated and hopefully some have already been answered by Alex…
Couple notes on
@ManMadeMoon’s graphic novel project before I get off the internet and go back to work on it:1. Publisher and release date TBC. We have our ideas, but nothing’s set in stone yet. (It will be soon, tho.)
2. The artist list is like… 80% confirmed? And, you’re going to absolutely scream. Trust me. All killer, no filler.
3. The artist list was also INCREDIBLY hard to put together, because there were people I’d give my left arm to work with but they didn’t quite… fit any scene as well as someone else did.
4. We’re having a great time and everything is coming together in a most chill and excellent way.
5. That’s it. More from Duncan, as and when. Back to work!
Keep your eyes peeled on Duncan’s Twitter feed, and Alex’s for more news as and when they have further announcements. We’ll try and keep up with them too on here, and the usual social media doings too.
And if you missed our previous post featuring the artwork of Angle, André Lima Araújo, and PJ Holden, have look here 🙂
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