One of the most requested items since the release of Duncan Jones’ award winning feature film debut MOON in 2009, has been this now classic poster featuring Sam Rockwell as Sam Bell.
Sadly it has never been made available to the general public, and it might be easier to find a Yeti burger than one of these beauties…UNTIL NOW!
We are absolutely thrilled to let you know that as of NOW you can pre-order your very own, official MOON poster in time for Christmas!
Not only that, for those of you that get in quick, there is also the chance to get hold of a super ltd edition signed by MOON Director Duncan Jones himself! (100 copies only)
“WHERE?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!” You may ask… well, thanks to the “amazing-balls” DARK HORSE COMICS (Duncan’s word, not mine, but they are) here is some linkage…
MOON Limited Edition Signed & Numbered Lithograph
27 x 38 inch collector-quality fine-art piece, presented on acid-free premium paper and packaged in a wide-mouth, sturdy poster tube. This lithograph is signed and numbered by filmmaker Duncan Jones and limited to 100 copies. SOLD OUT!
Again,ย 27 x 38 inch poster, packaged in a wide-mouth, sturdy poster tube.
Both are available for pre-order NOW! Ready for release on December 5th 2012. We know you’ve been waiting for this for a very long time, so thanks for your patience while we’ve got all theย necessaryย bits & bobs sorted to be able to help you get hold of a proper, official one ๐
Oh, I know some will ask, so YES they do International delivery ๐
Ordered the one with the scribbles on it!
Yay! Scribbles is good ๐ Brick is gonna LOVE IT!
Ill try to make sure some of it is legible. ๐
I feel for ya, hand cramped trying to finish off. Good luck ๐
who is the artist that created this poster?
Hi Gregg, believe it was based on original design by Martin Ansin for All City Media
Correction… it was designed by All City Media originally, and later Martin Ansin–in collaboration with ACM–created the “drawn” version for release with Mondo.
Indeed it was, Dan. As I should know from
Thanks for the correction ๐
Very excited about the poster, I was just wondering if it would be available from the UK at anytime? Would love to get one but even the cheapest postage is almost as much as the poster!
Hi Vee. Sorry the postage is so expensive coming from the US, but at the moment Dark Horse / Things From Another World are the only official suppliers of MOON posters. It’s taken years to get to this stage, so I don’t think there will be a UK supplier soon. We will let you all know if that changes in the future though.
Thank you! I live in hope. With such a well designed film there are so many possibilities for great merchandise.
Thank you Uncle and Dan. Loving ACM’s work – mucho kudos!!
Duncan is there no way you could release more signed copies, 100 is a ludicriously small number given the brilliance of your film!
Hi Mark, 100 signed Ltd Edition (sold out) is the lot I’m afraid. Good to hear you enjoyed MOON. The poster by itself would make a lovely Chrimbo gift for yourself though ๐
Dear Santa, I would love a large print of the shot of the moon, showing the scars of the strip mining, that would be cool. Well if you don’t ask!
Been searching for this image in poster/t-shirt form for ages!
Any ideas where I could locate one? I’m based in Glasgow, Scotland.
Hi Gerard,
Only available from Dark Horse at the TFAW shop in the US at the moment (Link above for standard poster), but they appear to be out of stock at the moment. Just checking if / when they will be back in stock.
@Unklerupert ๐
Any chance at getting more in stock? I’ve found a site that’s selling Japanese and German posters. I’d rather have one in English but I’ll settle if I have no choice.
Hi J, not sure what the stock situation is. Will check and let you know.
Much appreciated! Though the Japanese poster does look pretty rad.
May have some good news for you soon, J…
Oh sweeet! Sometimes it’s okay to procrastinate.
J, they’re now back in stock ๐
25 bucks extra for delivery to Denmark….pew. But I did it!
Tak, Jonas ๐
Do you know if the “Standard MOON Poster” will be available again? ๐
Apologies for the delay in reply, Mathias. I have asked and will let you know as soon as I find out.