2020 was a rough year for all, so we can only hope that 2021 is a better one. A feeling shared by Double Fine CEO Tom Schafer who tweeted last night “I did wish hard for this year to be better than last year, but did not expect Duncan Jones to spontaneously bang out a complete script for a Full Throttle movie!”.

So how did this come about you may ask? Well, before dropping a link to his script Duncan explained on Twitter last night.

“I enjoy writing I also hate writing. Sometimes, when I can’t squeeze out the thing I want to write, I write something else. This has happened a lot during Covid. Sometimes, I just browse the web. Or tweet. One day I saw Tim Schafer post a link to this…” this being an incredible CGI animated re-imagining of the original Full Throttle game from Red Knuckles

Duncan continued… “It blew my mind! I LOVED that game. I mean, REALLY loved that game. So the next time I had one of those freezes, I started writing this- A fan script for the LucasArts classic, FULL THROTTLE. Enjoy.”

“If nothing else, it gave me a chance to do a bit of action comedy. I had a riot! Need to write some more of that… if I haven’t already.”

I love that game too, I love all of those classic LucasArts adventure games. Most of us may do exactly the same as Duncan when that block to doing what we want to do occurs; browse the web, tweet, binge a box set. But none of us just go and write an entire film script! But he did, AND made it available for us all to read too! Happy New Year!


Originally released by LucasArts in 1995, Full Throttle is a classic graphic adventure game from industry legend Tim Schafer, telling the story of Ben Throttle; butt-kicking leader of biker gang the Polecats, who gets caught up in a tale of Motorcycles, Mayhem and Murder.

And for those wondering what Full Throttle is all about, who have not experienced the work of the genius that is Tim Schafer, the Full Throttle Remastered game is available on most gaming platforms and mobile devices. Give yourself a treat! Here’s the game intro to give you a taste of what is one of the greatest adventure games ever made!