Digital Design student Patrick Chamberland was so inspired by his love of MOON and the work of Concept Artist and VFX Supervisor Gavin Rothery, he produced this stunning work as part of his course work at Centre NAD in Montreal, Canada.
As well as sharing GERTY with us, Patrick was also kind enough to let us know some details about his version of GERTY:
I am currently a student in 3D Animation and Digital Design at Centre NAD, in Montreal, Canada, with a concentration in videogames.
We had a project in which we had to create a model of an object that was futuristic in nature and we had the option of creating a new design or using an already existing one. Being a huge fan of Moon (which I consider to be one of my top 5 movies of all-time) and Gavin Rothery’s designs, it then dawned on me that this would be the perfect opportunity to create my favorite robot ever, GERTY!
I was very fortunate that Gavin’s site was a treasure trove of fantastic reference to try and achieve the closest possible accuracy to the movie version of GERTY.
The actual model was created using 3DS MAX and a few different softwares were used to create the model’s textures with the main one being Photoshop.
What I think is really exciting with this model is that the image of the final rendered version is from a software named Marmoset Toolbag which is a real-time renderer. What this means is that the look of GERTY in the image is how he would look in an actual game engine such as the Unreal Engine.
If time permits, I would love to also model the whole Serang base and place it in the game engine which would mean that I would be able to walk around the whole base in real-time!
I have attached a picture of the non-textured/wireframed version of the model as well as a pic of the final “in-game” version.
This was certainly my most fun project to date and that was because of the passion ignited inside of me by Duncan’s amazing work in creating the movie masterpiece, Moon.
And here is the non-textured / wireframe image Patrick mentioned above. Stunning work once again from someone inspired by MOON. Thanks, Patrick 🙂
Have a mooch around Patrick’s site for more goodies.