Apple Meet The Filmmaker - Source CodeSOURCE CODE Director Duncan Jones, and stars Jake Gyllenhaal & Michelle Monaghan took part in one of Apple’s Meet The Filmmaker sessions at the Soho Apple Store, New York last Friday, 1st April, on the day of SOURCE CODE’s general release.

Jake Gyllenhaal - Michelle Monaghan - Duncan Jones - Apple Meet The Filmmakers 01 April 2011

Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

Not all of us were able to attend, but all of us can listen to a great session, hosted by’s Mike Sampson either via the iTunes store, or for those without iTunes, over on the Apple Meet The Filmmaker page.

A great session lead by Mike to start with, leading into questions from the audience. As with all Q&A’s and interview sessions that have occurred during the promotional tour for SOURCE CODE, there is a lot of humour, and banter, as well as many insights into how the film came about, and the experience of creating SOURCE CODE. Enjoy 🙂