MOON Starring Sam Rockwell - Directed By Duncan Jones

Thanks to the wonderful powers of the internet, we’ve just got news that MOON is opening in Poland on Friday 3rd September. Details in from Krzysztof A. Rostek who also reviewed MOON here.

Here are more Polish reviews of MOON. In general they are very positive, saying that although budget was so low, this film is very engaging amazing and worth to watch. Sam Rockwell is a star of that film, he makes this character believable. MOON takes a lot from old SF classics like ‘2001 A Space Odyssey’, ‘Blade Runner’, ‘Alien’, but Duncan does not simply copy them, but makes his own film.

But to be honest there’s not much press coverage about MOON. Perhaps because it’s not a big hollywood movie. Though I’m sure there are people who will love that film. There is a big audience in Poland who appreciate ambitous SF films with character driven story, not heavily based on CGI.

Reviews from Poland
WirtualnaPolska Film

And more info in from Ania Adamczak via the ManMadeMovies Facebook Page

Here’s my interview with Duncan Jones (both in English and Polish), a review, and some more info in Polish/Oto mój wywiad z Duncanem Jonesem, recenzja i inne info o ‘Moonie’ po polsku:

Baw się dobrze! 🙂