To begin with, this was a two man showdown billed by @SongWarmonger as the Fight Of The Century between British Film Directors Duncan Jones (Source Code) and Joe Cornish (Attack The Block). The prize being the Science Fiction Writers of America Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation. That was until Duncan Jones decided to up the ante by asking:
@SongWarmonger where’s @neilhimself though?! This war deserves the three-way action poster this fight promises!
Neil Gaiman (Doctor Who: “The Doctor’s Wife,”) waded in with:
@ManMadeMoon I just get to watch the two of you KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT. Then steal the prize.
All this trash talk could only lead to one thing, the extension of the original bout into a full blown British Battle Royal! For which @SongWarmonger has kindly supplied an updated poster.
I don’t know about you, I can hear the spandex snapping and smell the deep heat already, this promises to be a right crotch twanger and no mistake. May the best man win!
Thanks to Marge for creating such a marvellous poster, large version available to print off and keep forever right here 🙂