All the very best to Sam Rowe at his Plymouth University review show today as he puts his MOON print on show 🙂

MOON Poster by Sam RoweSam tweeted his print to MOON Director Duncan Jones earlier today and kindly dropped us a line to tell us a bit about it…

“I made the poster for my degree show (which is actually today, Friday 13th, eek) and it’s a two colour, hand pulled silk screen print which is roughly A2. And I kinda made it for two reasons; firstly there was a screening of Moon at my university cinema (Plymouth Uni) and they asked students to design their own posters to promote them. I picked Moon but sadly didn’t get to do it in the end. So now that the degree show is here I thought I’d finally do it.

The reason I picked Moon is because I think it’s just a brilliant film. I think it’s a blazing beacon of success in low-budgetness, acting, story telling, set design – all that stuff. Also my name’s Sam so who’s to say Gerty wasn’t actually talking to me?”

More of Sam’s work over on his online portfolio. Thanks, Sam 🙂